Here's your complete A-Z listing of
all music played on One Tree Hill, so far.. |

- "Song Title" - #Episode
Songs Played So Far:
(*) indicates that the artist is also a One
Tree Hill cast member.
#0-9 |
1969 feat. Butch Walker
- "Save A Place" - ep.
- "Shoot Your Gun" - ep.
88, The - "How Good It Can Be" - ep.
8MM - "No Way Back" - ep.
#4.08; "Forever and Ever Amen" - ep.
9 Ball - "How Do You
- ep. #6.02
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AA Bondy
- "There's A Reason"
- ep. #5.09; "False River" - ep.
Acorn, The - "Restoration" - ep.
Across The Sky - "Everywhere She Goes" -
Adams, Peter Bradley - "While We Have The Chance" (with Rosi Golan) - ep.
#7.07; "Be Still My Heart"
- ep. #8.08; "Bring You Home" - ep. #9.04;
"Emily's Rain"
- ep. #9.11
Adams, Ryan - "Avalanche" - ep.
#1.10; "The Shadowlands" - ep.
"Note To Self: Don't Die" - ep.
#1.17; "Now That You're Gone" - ep.
#2.16; "Two" - ep.
#4.21; "I Taught Myself How To Grow Old" - ep.
#5.11; "If I Am A Stranger" - ep.
#6.05; "Gimme Sunshine"
- ep. #9.12
Adele - "Hometown Glory" - ep. #5.15;
"Make You Feel My Love"
- ep. #7.19; "Rolling In The Deep" - ep.
Adios Control - "Heartbeat" - ep.
Adrianne - "10,000 Stones" - ep. #5.17;
"Storm" - ep. #6.06
Aeroplanes, The - "Black Hole" - ep. #6.21;
"Rain At Your Door" - ep.
AFI - "Prelude 12/21" - ep. #4.06
Against Me! - "Stop!" - ep. #6.08;
"I Don't Want To Be"
- ep. #8.20
AgesandAges - "Souvenir"
- ep.
A Fine Frenzy - "Lifesize" - ep. #4.17;
"Ashes and Wine" - ep. #5.08
Agin, Adam - "Please Don't Leave Quite Yet"
- ep. #8.18
Ahn, Priscilla - "Dream"
- ep. #4.11
Air Traffic - "Charlotte" - ep. #5.05;
"Never Even Told Me Her Name"
- ep. #5.09
Alan Parsons Project, The - "Sirius" - ep. #3.08
Albinoni - "Trumpet Concerto Opus 9, No 2, 2nd Movement" - ep.
Alexander, Shane - "Feels Like The End" - ep.
#7.08; "Carrollton" - ep.
Alice, Jocelyn - "Imposter" - ep. #9.03
All-American Rejects, The - "Move Along" - ep.
All India Radio - "Evening Star" - ep.
Allman Brothers, The - "Midnight Rider"
- ep. #4.17
Alphaville - "Forever Young" - ep. #4.16
Altarmotive - "Please Resolve This" - ep. #4.16
Ambassadors - "Litost" - ep. #9.05
Ambulance LTD - "Sugar Pill"
- ep.
America Analog Set - "Hard To Find" - ep.
#1.04; "Gone To
Earth" - ep. #2.08; "Born On The Cusp" - ep.
#4.02; "Play Hurt" -
ep. #4.03; "Cool Kids Keep"
- ep. #4.04
Amigo, Cristian - "God Is a Bullet" - ep.
AM Radio
- "Taken For A Ride" - ep. #1.03
Anderson, Tom - "Lucky Man" - ep.
Andromeda - "She's A Sexy Thing" - ep. #3.04
Angels & Airwaves - "The Adventure" - ep.
#3.20; "Everything's Magic" - ep. #5.15;
"Secret Crowds" & "Lifeline" - ep. #6.10
An Horse - "Listen"
- ep. #7.09
Angus & Julia Stone - "Big Jet Plane" - ep.
Anjali - "Seven x Eight" - ep.
Annibale, Brooke - "Yours And Mine" - ep. #9.03;
"Under Streetlights" - ep. #9.07; "I
- ep. #9.11
April Smith & The Great Picture Show - "Colors" - ep. #9.03
APM Music/Carlin -
"Shake Yer Booty" - ep. #1.16;
"Dancing the Night Away" - ep. #4.12;
"Bridal Chorus" - ep.
#5.12; "Around the Region" - ep. #5.18;
"Brash Cash", "Midnight Serenade" & "Smokey Joe's" - ep.
#6.11; "Frankenstein's Niece B" & "Tell Me
Something" - ep. #6.14; "Jazz Magic" -
ep. #6.15; "Barcarolle From String
Quartet in D Minor" - ep. #6.23;
"Concerto in E minor For Recorder, Flute, Strings And Basso Continuo" -
ep. #7.02
Aqualung - "Easier to Lie" - ep. #3.10;
"Something to Believe In"
- ep. #4.19; "Lost"
- ep. #8.05; "Time Moves Slow" - ep.
#8.08; "Thin Air"
- ep. #8.16
Arco - "Alien" - ep. #1.14
Arnold - "Easy"
- ep. #8.16
Assassins - "Sound Of Now" - ep. #8.18
Association Product Music
- "Paris Swing Ballad" - ep. #8.10
Ataris, The
- "Your Boyfriend Sucks" - ep.
#1.00; "From The Last, Last Call"
- ep. #4.14
Athlete - "Wires" - ep. #2.23;
"Street Map" - ep.
#3.01; "Best Not To Think About It" - ep.
#5.10; "Don't Hold Your Breath"
- ep. #7.06; "Black Swan Song" - ep.
Atmosphere - "the keys to live vs. 15 minutes of fame" - ep.
Audioslave - "Be Yourself" - ep.
#2.23; "I Am The Highway" - ep.
#4.04; "Revelations" - ep.
Audreys, The - "Small Things" - ep. #6.03
Auer, Josh - "Dear You" - ep.
#6.14; "Low" - ep. #6.17
Augustana - "Stars and Boulevards" - ep.
#3.01; "Boston" - ep.
#3.22; "Twenty Years" - ep. #5.16;
"Where Love Went Wrong" - ep. #6.19;
"Sweet and Low" (acoustic) & "I Don't Want To Be" - ep.
#8.13; "Counting Stars" & "Just Stay Here Tonight"
- ep.
Austin, Helen - "Love Is" - ep. #8.10
AutoVaughn - "One More Time" - ep. #5.17
Autumn Film, The - "Roll Over Me" - ep. #8.08
Avalanche City - "The Streets" - ep. #9.07
Avett Brothers, The - "I and Love and You"
- ep. #7.07
Axel, Ian - "Gone"
- ep. #8.19
Ayane, Malika
- "Soul Waver" - ep. #6.09
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- "Sleepers Awake" - ep.
Backlund, Edith - "Suburban Bliss" - ep. #6.10;
"Sincerely Hope It's You" - ep. #6.14
Badge, The
- "Watching Rainbows" - ep. #2.02
Baillie, Bjorn - "Menace" - ep.
- "Bent" - ep. #7.05
Band, The
- "Girlfriend" - ep.
Band of Horses
- "The Funeral" - ep. #4.07; "No One's
Gonna Love You" - ep. #5.06; "Factory" - ep.
- "Pa' bailar" - ep.
& Burman, S.D. - "Chali Arr Arr Tu Chali Arr" - ep.
Banner, David - "Play" - ep. #3.05
Barcelona - "Come Back When You Can" - ep.
Barlow, Lou - "Gravitate"
- ep. #7.10
Battaglia, Kaci - "Body Shots (At The Bar)"
- ep. #8.02
Bauhaus - "Bela Lugosi's Dead" - ep.
Bazan, David - "Hard To Be"
- ep. #8.20
Beach Music Quartet - "Goodnight Ladies"
- ep. #8.06
Bear Lake - "Where Do We Go"
- ep. #7.10
Beat Corp - "Daily Turn" - ep.
Beat Seekers, The - "Personality"
- ep. #7.14
Beck, Howie - "Sometimes (She's So Far In)"
- ep. #4.15
Beckler, Matt - "Fools At The Table" - ep.
Bedricky, Tamara - "Coming Clean"
- ep.
Belasco - "Walk The Moon" - ep. #4.03;
"Summer" - ep.
#4.09; "Lawman"
- ep. #5.02; "Butterflies" - ep.
Belle, Andrew - "Open Your Eyes" - ep.
Belle & Sebastian - "If She Wants Me" - ep.
Belles, The - "Disarmed"
- ep.
#2.18; "Idle Acres"
- ep. #3.14
Bell X1 - "Light Catches Your Face" - ep.
Bennett, Justine - "Carry Me"
- ep.
Beta Band, The - "To You Alone" - ep.
Better Than Ezra - "Overcome" - ep.
Bigg Blue - "Big Ballin' (Above The Rim)" - ep.
Birch, Diane - "Rewind"
- ep. #7.14
Bird, Andrew - "Cataracts" - ep.
#5.10; "Natural Disaster" - ep.
Bittersweets, The - "When The World Ends"
- ep. #6.15
Black, Gus - "Long Beach" - ep.
Blackalicious - "Reanimation" - ep. #3.18
Black Eyed Peas - "Let's Get It Started" - ep.
#2.03; "Showdown"
- ep. #7.03
Black Gold - "Plans And Reveries"
- ep. #7.06
Blackouts, The - "Fire In The Pouring Rain" - ep.
#1.19; "No Tomorrow" & "I Have Found Mine" - ep.
Black Keys, The - "Girls Is On My Mind"
- ep.
#2.18; "Psychotic Girl"
- ep. #6.07; "So He Won't Break" - ep.
#7.08; "Howlin' For You"
- ep. #8.05; "Ten Cent Pistol"
- ep. #8.07; "Never Gonna Give You Up"
- ep. #8.10
Blackpool Lights - "Crash Sounds" - ep.
Black Toast
- "Big Man On The Block"; "Get Naked" - ep.
#1.16; "Throw My Heart Away" & "Coming Back To
You" - ep. #1.19 &
"I'm Sorry" - ep. #2.05; "I Got More Bills Than I Can
Pay" &
"What's On Your Mind"
- ep.
#2.18; "Keep It Comin'"
- ep. #4.03; "I Wanna"
- ep. #4.16
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - "Mercy"- ep. #5.01;
"Weapon of Choice" - ep.
#5.05; "Beat The Devil's Tattoo"
- ep. #7.20
Blasko, Sarah - "Perfect Now" - ep. #3.18
Bleach - "Good As Gold" - ep. #3.07
Blind Pilot - "Three Rounds and a Sound" -
ep. #7.12; "Poor Boy" - ep.
#7.22; "Always" & "New York"
- ep. #9.01; "We Are The Tide" - ep.
#9.06; "Half Moon" - ep.
Bloc Party - "So Here We Are" - ep.
Blue Judy - "All Things You Know" - ep. #6.10;
"Out Of The Day" - ep. #7.13; "Leaving
For The West"
- ep. #7.17
Blue Merle - "Every Ship Must Sail Away" - ep.
Bus Stop
Carl Douglas - "Kung
Fu Fighting" - ep. #1.16
Bogen, Joel - "Cool Fool"
- #7.15
Bon Iver - "Blindsided" & "Flume" - eo.
Boom Circuits, The - "The Pressure"
- ep.
Boone, Debby - "You Light Up My Life" - ep.
Born In The Flood - "Anthem" - ep.
#6.12; "In Debt to The Heart"
- ep. #6.14
Bosshouse - "Never Enough" - ep. #1.00; "She's Got It So Phat" - ep.
#1.06; "Apologies" - ep.
#1.02; "Shake It Down" - ep. #103; "Play It Straight" - ep.
#1.06; "Breaking Away" - ep.
#1.15 & #1.21; "Get Your Soul Freak On" & "Yo Money" - ep.
#1.19; "Make It Up To You" - ep.
#2.02; "Do You Want To Party With Me?" - ep.
#4.14; "Cracks In
The Sky" - ep. #2.23 &
#3.08; "Let It Fall" - ep.
#3.07; "Burn Me" - ep.
#4.08; "Well Here We Go Again"
- ep. #4.14; "Super Sexy Free"
- ep. #4.16; "She Back"
- ep. #4.17; "Who Ya Think Ya Are"
- ep. #6.06; "Can't You Hear Me Growl"
- ep. #6.14
Boss Martians - "He'll Be Around" - ep.
Boston - "A Man I'll Never Be" - ep.
Bowerbirds - "Crooked Lust" - ep.
Boxer Rebellion, The - "Semi-Automatic" - ep.
#8.02; "Both Sides Are Even" - ep. #8.11
Boy & Bear - "Lordy May"
- ep. #9.07; "My Only One" - ep.
Boy Least Likely To, The - "Be Gentle With Me" - ep.
Brahms, Johannes - "Brahms' Lullaby" - ep. #5.05
Brainpool - "Junk" - ep.
Brakes - "Worry About It Later"
- ep. #7.06
Branch, Michelle - "Crazy Ride"
- ep. #8.16
Branches - "Maps Of Wars"
- ep. #8.20; "Sleeper"
- ep. #9.01
Bravery, The - "Out of Line" - ep. #4.07;
"Time Won't Let Me Go"
- ep. #5.04
Breakups, The - "Let's See What Happens" - ep.
Brewer, Kyf - "Read All About It" - ep. #1.07;"She's So Pretty" - ep.
Brighton, MA - "Good Kind of Crazy" - ep. #5.13
Broken Remotes, The - "Pages Of The Weekly" - ep.
Broken West, The - "Perfect Games" - ep.
Brothers, Cary - "Ride" - ep.
#5.14; "If You Were Here"
- #7.15; "Belong" & "Can't Take My Eyes Off Of
You" - ep. #8.02; "Alien"
- ep. #8.05; "Under Control"
- ep. #8.12; "Take Your Time" - ep.
#9.07; "Free Like You Make Me"
- ep. #9.12
Brown, Coby - "The Distance" - ep.
Brown, Findlay - "Come Home" - ep.
Brown, Lizzie - "Where The Sun Shines Free" - ep.
Brown, V.V. - "L.O.V.E" - ep.
Brundage, Jackson - "First Noel" - ep.
#6.12; "Bust A Move" - ep.
#6.14 (*)
Buchanan, Jay - "Feel Better"
- ep. #9.13
Buddahead - "Standing Still"
- ep. #6.07
Buddy - "More Of The Shame" - ep. #3.04;
"Don't Go Home" - ep.
#3.19; "Westgate" - ep. #4.02; "11/22"
- ep.
#4.08; "Blindsides"
- ep. #4.15
Buffseeds - "Sparkle Me" - ep.
Burkum, Tyler - "End of the Road" - ep. #5.18
Burning Effigies, The - "Something's Broken"/"Imposter"
- ep. #4.05; "Try to See it My Way" - ep.
Butterfield, Patsy - "Passion for Pageants" - ep.
Butterfly Boucher - "I Can't Make Me" - ep.
Buva - "Hopes and Dreams" - ep. #1.03; "Simple Again" - ep.
#1.10; "Never Like This" - ep.
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Cactus Groove - "Shoulder" - ep.
Cage the Elephant - "Back Against The Wall"
- ep. #7.02
Cahoone, Sera - "Baker Lake" - ep. #5.18
Caillat, Colbie - "I Won't"
- ep. #7.07
Calexico - "He Lays In The Reins" - ep.
#3.19; "Man Made Lake"
- ep. #6.16
Calhoun - "Knife Fight" - ep. #8.18;
"Lioness" - ep. #9.04
Calhoun, Ryan - "You Break Me Down" - ep. #7.08
Calla - "It Dawned On Me" - ep. #3.09
Calloway, Susan - "Higher Than The Sun" - ep.
Canova, Josh - "Most Of The Time" - ep.
#1.12; "The Wish" - ep.
Cameron McGill & What Army - "My Demons Are Organized"
- ep. #9.06
Campion, Michael - "I'll Always Love You" - ep.
Cardinale, Alexander - "Sick Of Dreaming"
- ep. #8.04
Careen - "Premonition" - ep.
Carlin/APM Music - "Jazz Magic" - ep.
#6.15; "Barcarolle From String Quartet in D Minor" - ep.
Carlton, Vanessa
- "Who's To Say"
- ep.
#2.18; "Hear The Bells" - ep.
Carney, Reeve - "Think Of You" - ep. #3.13
Carolina Liar - "When You Are Near" - ep. #6.02;
"Simple Life" - ep. #6.08
Carolina Slim
- "Dirty South Hustla" - ep. #5.09
Casey Shea
- "Roll Your Windows Down" - ep. #6.24;
"Good Man"
- ep. #8.03
Cave Singers, The
- "Seeds Of Night" - ep. #7.05
- "Switchback" - ep.
Century Court Party - "Read My Lips"
- ep. #5.07
Cham Pain - "Push It Up" - ep.
Channel Two ft. Apl of Black Eyed Peas - "Bringa"
Charlie Daniels Band, The - "The Devil Went Down To Georgia"
- ep.
Cheap Trick - "Downed" - ep.
#1.09; "I Want You To Want Me", "Surrender",
"Everybody Knows" & "Smile" - #7.15
Chemistry Set, The - "Into the Light" - ep.
Chicks With Sticks - "Lights Go Red"
- ep. #4.05
Chief - "Your Direction" - ep.
Choir of Young Believers - "Hollow Talk"
- ep. #7.03
Cinematic Orchestra, The - "To Build A Home"
- ep. #7.06
Citizen Cope - "Sideways" - ep.
#2.10; "Deep" ep.
"Son's Gonna Rise" - ep. #2.19; "Back
- ep. #4.04
City and Colour - "As Much As I Ever Could" & "Waiting"
- ep. #7.12; "The Girl" (Acoustic) & "The Northern
Wind" - ep. #8.15; "Sorrowing Man"
- ep. #9.08
Civil Twilight - "Quiet In My Town" - ep. #6.03;
"Letters From The Sky" - ep. #7.10
Civil Wars, The - "Poison & Win" - ep.
Clark, Stacy - "All Time Low"
- ep. #7.06
Clarke & Ware - "Cheek Petit" - ep. #7.06
Clarkson, Kelly - "Irvine"
- ep. #5.01
Cliff, Jimmy - "Many Rivers To Cross" - ep.
Chronic Future - "Time and Time Again" - ep.
Club 8 - "Love In December" - ep.
Cobalt Party Revolution - "Hip Hop Don't Stop" - ep.
#2.02; "Keep Your Receipt" - ep.
Cohen, Jeff - "Leaving Town Alive" - ep. #5.14
Coldplay - "A Message" - ep. #4.01;
"Lovers In Japan/Reign Of Love" & "Violet Hill" - ep. #6.01;
"Us Against The World"
- ep. #9.11
Cold War Kids - "Royal Blue"
- ep. #8.16; "Mine Is Yours"
- ep. #8.20
Collett, Jason - "We All Lose One Another" - ep.
Colletti, Stephen - "Bust A Move" - ep.
#6.14 (*)
Colored Shadows - "Life After Love" - ep.
Color of Clouds - "The Look" - ep. #6.20
Company of Thieves - "After Thought" - ep.
Condos, Davis - "I Should Be Lost Without You" - ep. #6.01
Confusions, The - "Days Go By"
- ep. #8.19
Conlan, Holly - "Home"
- ep. #5.09; "Winter" - ep.
Constantines, The - "Soon Enough"
- ep. #4.18
Copperman, Ross - "They'll Never Know" - ep.
#4.21; "Glass"
- ep. #7.16
Cornell, Chris - "Scream" - ep. #6.04;
"Long Gone" - ep. #6.07;
"Watch Out" - ep. #6.08
Costa, Matt - "These Arms"
- ep. #4.15
Costello, Elvis - "Alison" - ep.
Costello, Katie - "I Can't Fix Us Two"
- ep. #6.23
Counting Crows, The - "Rain King" - ep.
Craig, Dan - "Further to Fall"
- ep. #6.03
Crash Boom Bang - "Let It Out"
- ep. #7.03
Creswell, Scott - "On Our Way" - ep. #6.21
Crow, Sheryl - "I Shall Believe" - ep.
#1.13 &
#7.18; "There Goes The
Neighborhood", "Home", "Lucky Kid", "It's Only Love" & "The First Cut Is The
Deepest" - ep. #1.15
Crowder, Corey - "Leaving You"
- ep. #6.09
Cuming, Ry (ft. Jesse Carmichael) - "Home" - ep.
#8.02; "Confessions Of A Girl"
- ep. #8.07
Cullen, Tim - "Be Mine" - ep.
Cure, The - "Apart" - ep. #1.19; "Prayers
For Rain" - ep. #4.05; "Love Song (lyrics)" - ep.
#5.18 & #6.01; "Fascination Street" - ep.
#6.07; "Pictures Of You" - ep.
Curran, Timmy - "Castle"
- ep. #8.15
Cypress Hill - "What's Your Number?" - ep.
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Dabbs, Trent - "Inside These Lines" - ep. #7.08;
"Until You Won Me Over" - ep. #7.12;
"Same Way Twice" & "Look Back On" - ep. #7.17;
"This Time Tomorrow" - ep. #8.02;
"Take It All In" - ep. #8.08;
"Follow Suit" - ep. #8.11; "Off
We Go" - ep. #8.16; "The Day Is Long
The Night Is Young" - ep. #9.12
Dahlstrom, Salme - "The Beauty Inside"/"Take It Off Baby" - ep.
#4.07; "Supa Fab Funky"/"Little Helper"
- ep. #4.12; "American Beauty"
- ep. #5.01
Dandelions, The
- "On The 54" - ep. #2.19
Darkness, The
- "I Believe In a Thing Called Love" - ep.
Dashboard Confessional - "Hands Down" - ep.
#1.00 &
#2.20; "Everybody Hurts" - ep.
#1.18; "Don't Wait" - ep.
#4.01, #4.13; "Currents" - ep.
- ep. #4.17; "Belle of the Boulevard"
- ep. #7.07
Datz, Mike - "Funk Lefty" - ep.
Davis, Andy - "Liberty"
- ep. #8.03
Dawes - "Peace In The Valley"
- ep. #8.04; "If I Wanted Someone"
- ep. #9.03
Day and Night - "On To You" - ep.
Daylights, The - "Happy"
- ep. #8.01; "You Are"
- ep. #8.14
Davey, Cathy - "Holy Moly"
- ep. #9.01
Dazzler - "Dancing On A Comet's Tail" - ep. #9.03
Death Cab For Cutie - "Monday Morning"
- ep.
Deathray - "Let's Be Friends" - ep.
DeGraw, Gavin - "I Don't Want To Be" - theme + performed in ep.
#.109, #5.18 &
#9.13; "Belief" - ep.
#1.01 & #9.13; "More Than Anyone" - ep.
#1.21 & #3.22; "Chariot" - ep.
#2.16 & #2.17; "We Belong Together" - ep.
#3.19; "Jealous Guy" - ep.
#3.20; "She Holds A Key" - ep. #5.11;
"In Love With A Girl" - ep. #5.16;
- ep. #6.18; "Soldier" - ep.
DeGraw, Joey - "Miracle Of Mind" - ep.
#3.19; "Our Own Time" - ep.
#3.20 & #6.21; "For Now People"
- ep. #8.19
Day, Howie - "Collide" - ep.
Dee - "Filter Factory" - ep.
#1.07; "Welcome
To The Movement" - ep. #2.05
Defendants, The - "What Do You Want?" - ep.
Denae, Lori - "Be Different" - ep.
Derby - "Michigan" - ep.
Devaney, Yvonne - "Ten Million and Two." - ep.
Devics - "Song For a Sleeping Girl" - ep.
#3.10; "If We Cannot See" - ep. #3.17
DeVitto, Torrey - "Hot Stuff" - ep. #6.01
Devlin, Colin - "The Heart Won't Be Denied"
- ep. #7.20
Diable, Kristin - "Gypsy Queen" - ep. #6.07
Dido - "Quiet Times" - ep.
Dimes, The - "September" - ep.
#8.10; "Coming Home"
- ep. #8.13; "Take Me Away" - ep.
#8.21; "Don't You Worry" - ep.
Dios - "Nobody's Perfect" - ep.
Dios Malos - "Say Anything" - ep. #3.09
Dirty Vegas - "Walk Into the Sun" - ep.
Dispatch - "Headlights" - ep.
of Laura Lee - "Trapped In" - ep.
Disco Biscuits, The - "On Time" (feat. TuPhace) - ep.
Dissociatives, The - "Lifting The Veil From The Braille" - ep.
DiVine, Kim - "Perfect Kind Of Love"
- ep. #8.20
Dixon, Gabe - "Disappear"
- ep. #5.18
(credited as The Gabe Dixon Band)
; "I Can See You Shine" - ep. #9.02
DJ Shadow feat. Chris James - "You Made It"
- ep. #4.05; "(Not So) Sad & Lonely" - ep.
D'Lovely - "Hey Sugar" - ep. #2.05;
"One Against the Sun" - ep. #2.11
D Note - "All The Time"
- ep. #2.07
Dobson, Fefe - "Everything" - ep.
Doe, John - "Still You" - ep. #2.14;
"Mick In My Studio"
- ep. #6.04
Dolgen, Jack - "Our Light"
- ep. #8.05; "Daytime"
- ep. #8.07
Double Owe - "Roll With Dub" - ep.
Doubting Paris - "Whose Side Are You On?"
- ep. #7.07
Doveman - "The Best Thing"
- ep. #9.11
Doves - "The Man Who Told Everything" - ep.
Downpilot - "In The Morning"
- ep. #8.07
Dreamboat Money - "Remember" - ep. #9.09
Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors - "Hourglass" - ep.
Drew, Kevin - "Cocaine Skin" - ep.
Dr. Caligari - "Downtime"
- ep. #4.04
Droge, Pete - "Allot Like You" - ep.
Dunlop, Gareth - "Tangled Up" - ep.
Dylan In The Movies - "August Moon"
- ep. #7.19
back to top
Eastern Block - "Protecting God"
- ep. #9.12
eastmountainsouth - "You Dance" - ep.
Earl, Kate - "Free" - ep. #3.11
Earlimart - "Broke The Furniture" - ep.
#2.16; "Bloody Nose" - ep.
#5.03; "Happy Alone" - ep.
#5.06; "Fakey Fake"
- ep. #5.09; "Town Where You Belong" - ep. #6.01;
"Face Down in the Right Town" - ep. #6.02;
"Just Because" - ep.
Echo Helstrom - "Where I Sleep"
- ep. #5.07
Editors - "Push Your Head Towards The Air" - ep.
Edwards, Kathleen - "Chameleon/Comedian" - ep.
#9.10; "Empty Threat"
- ep. #9.12
Eames Era, The - "Washed Out" - ep. #3.18
EEK - "Animal Chin" - ep.
Eels - "I'm Going To Stop Pretending That I Didn't Break Your Heart" - ep.
#3.08; "The Look You Give That Guy" - ep.
#7.01; "The Longing"
- ep. #7.06; "My Timing Is Off"
- ep. #7.14; "All The Beautiful Things"
- ep. #7.16
Electric Farm - "Shabby Girl" - ep.
Elenowen - "No Such Thing As Time" - ep.
#9.04; "Run" - ep. #9.06
El Gato - "Poison Girl"
- ep. #4.07
Ellery - "With Me Tonight" - ep. #8.08
Elizabeth & The Catapult - "Momma's Boy" - ep.
#7.05; "Do Not Hang Your Heard" - ep. #8.18
Elliott, Jon - "Starting All Over" - ep.
Emery, Chase - "Just To Be There"
- ep. #5.04
Enation - "Feel This" - ep. #5.18, #6.01
& #6.10; "World In Flight"
- ep. #6.10
Endochine - "A New Beginning"
- ep. #7.09; "Music To Drive And Cry To"
- ep. #8.02
England, Kyler - "You Wait For Rain"
- ep. #7.02
Envelope - "Open Window" - ep.
Erica C. - "Mirror" - ep. #2.02,
#2.03; "I Wanna Move You" - ep.
Extreme Music - "Been Around The World" - ep.
"Music Please" - ep. #1.17; "Twinkle
Twinkle Little Star" - ep. #5.15; "The Last
Post" - ep. #6.08;
"Here Comes The Bride"
- ep. #6.23; "String Quarter In A Minor - Andante"
- ep. #8.07; "Loaded"
- ep. #8.12; "Enjoy The Ride" & "Bound & Gagg"
- ep. #8.14; "Bunz of Steel" (also in -
ep. #9.06) & "Electrik Laserland"
- ep. #9.03
Eugene & The 1914 - "River"
- ep. #8.05; "Still Around"
- ep. #8.07; "Just Know"
- ep. #8.10
Evan & Jaron - "Through The Blue" - ep.
Everest - "Into Your Soft Heart"
- ep. #6.13
Everly - "Maybe"
- ep. #7.09; "Flying Machine"
- ep. #7.13 & #7.20;
"We Belong" & "Girl in the Moon" - ep. #7.13
Every Move A Picture - "Chemical Burns" - ep.
back to top
- "Lost My Way"
- ep.
Faces On Film - "Great Move North" - ep. #9.03
Fair, Marjorie - "Empty Room" - ep. #3.04
Fall Out Boy - "Sugar, We're Going Down" - ep.
#3.02 & #3.10; "Dance, Dance" - ep.
#3.04; "A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little
More 'Touch Me'" - ep. #3.15; "I've Got A Dark
Alley And A Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth (Summer Song)" - ep.
#3.18; "The Take Over, The Breaks Over"
- ep. #5.04; "I Don't Care"
- ep. #6.19
Fant , Ricky - "It's Over Now" - ep.
Faraci - "The Way You Walk" - ep.
#1.21; "Ride" ep.
Fast Romantics, The - "Casablanca"
- ep. #8.20
Featherstone, Michelle - "Stay" - ep.
"Looking For Love" ep. #2.15 &
#5.06; "Back Of
The Church" ep. #2.17; "Sunday" ep.
#3.02; "Go On My Child"
- ep. #3.14; "God Bless The Child" - ep.
#3.16; "Coffee & Cigarettes" - ep.
#3.21; "We Are Man And Wife" - ep.
#3.22; "Running Down"
- ep. #6.05
Features, The - "Off Track"
- ep. #7.14 & #7.22;
"The Temporary Blues" - ep. #7.22
Feeder - "Feeling a Moment" - ep.
#3.01; "Tender" - ep.
Feeling, The - "Sewn" - ep. #4.14
Feeny, Catherine - "People In The Hole" - ep.
Feist - "I Feel It All" - ep.
#5.08; "Graveyard" -
ep. #9.07
Fences - "Hands" - ep.
#8.09; "Boys Around Here"
- ep. #8.16
Ferrari, Marc - "Too Hot To Stop" (with Steve Plunkett)
- ep. #7.17
Fiasco, Lupe - "Kick, Push" & "I Gotcha"
- ep. #4.04; "Superstar"
- ep. #5.11
Field, Lucas (of Low vs Diamond) - "I Don't Want To Be"
- ep. #8.07
Fields, Elysian - "Lions In The Storm" - ep.
Fields, Tommy - "Vaguely Happy People" - ep.
Fighter Pilot - "Lost In Hollywood" - ep. #3.10
Filthy Souls, The - "Boys Will Be Out For A Fight" - ep.
Finch - "What It Is To Burn" - ep.
#1.00 &
Fire Theft, The - "Heaven" - ep.
Fisk, Schuyler - "When The Stars Go Blue" - ep.
Fitzsimmons, William - "I Don't Feel It Anymore"
- ep. #6.13; "After Afterall" - ep.
#6.17; "Psychasthenia"
- ep. #8.19
Five For Fighting - "100 Years" - ep.
#1.16; "NYC Weather Report" - ep.
Five Times August - "The Way You Do"
- ep. #4.02
Flaming Sideburns, The - "Street Survivor" - ep.
Fleetwood Mac - "Landslide" - ep.
Florence + the Machine - "No Light, No Light" - ep.
#9.05; "Leave My Body" - ep.
#9.10; "Never Let Me Go"
- ep. #9.11
Flo Rida feat. Will.i.Am - "In The Ayer"
- ep. #6.01; "Low"
- ep. #8.12
Foo Fighters - "Times Like These [Live]"
ep. #4.20; "Home" - ep.
Forbidden Friends - "For You"
- ep. #8.15
Foreign Born - "Blood Oranges" - ep.
Foreman, Jon - "Behind Your Eyes" -
ep. #6.14
Format, The - "The First Single" - ep.
Forty Foot Echo - "Beside Me" - ep.
#1.01; "Drift" - ep.
#1.00; "Multiply" - ep. #1.02
Foster, Robin - "Goodnight & God Bless" -
ep. #7.04; "Forgiveness" - ep.
Foster The People - "Pumped Up Kicks"
- ep.
Fountains Of Wayne - "All Kinds Of Time" - ep.
Fraley, Shelly - "I Don't Know"
- ep. #6.22; "On Her Way"
- ep. #7.16; "Seize The Day"
- ep. #8.18
Francis, Pete - "Stones" - ep.
#1.02; "Untold" - ep. #1.07
Franz Ferdinand - "The Fallen" - ep. #3.09
& #3.18; "Ulysees"
- ep. #6.15
Fratellis, The - "Henrietta" - ep.
#4.21; "Shameless" - ep.
#6.02; "Baby Doll" - ep.
Fray, The - "How To Save A Life" - ep. #3.17;
"Look After You" - ep.
#3.20; "You Found Me" - ep. #6.16;
"Never Say Never" - ep. #6.18
Freelance Whales - "Broken Horse"
- ep. #8.05
Fretwell, Stephen - "Do You Want To Come With?" - ep.
#3.17; "Rose" - ep. #3.18
Freund, Tom - "Copper Moon" - ep.
#2.02; "Trondheim" - ep.
#3.04; "Can't Cry Hard Enough" - ep. #3.17;
"No Turning Back" - ep. #4.02
Frightened Rabbit - "Poke" - ep. #6.01;
"Good Arms Vs. Bad Arms" - ep.
#6.06; "Backwards Walk"
- ep. #6.13
Frost, Nik - "Deadliest Weapon"
- ep. #6.19
Frozen Flames - "Right Here With You" - ep.
Fuse - "Sometimes I Feel"
- ep. #4.17
Future of Forestry - "Slow Your Breath Down" - ep.
Fuzz, The - "Parking" - ep.
back to top
Gabe Dixon Band, The - "Disappear"
- ep. #5.18; (credited as Gabe Dixon)
"I Can See You Shine" - ep. #9.02
Galeotti/Lenz, Bethany Joy (of Everly) / Haley James Scott - "Elsewhere" - ep.
#1.14 & ep.
"Let Me Fall" - ep. #2.06;
#2.07; "When The Stars Go Blue" - ep.
#3.02; "Halo" - ep. #3.09, #3.10
& #3.15; "Leaving Town Alive" & "Let The
Fire Start" - ep. #5.14; "Feel This" (ft.
Enation) - ep. #5.18, #6.01
& #6.10; "I Want
Something That I Want" (with Grace Potter) - ep.
#6.07; "Karen's Cafe" aka "Hotel Cafe", "Scheming
Star" & "Mrs. Scott" - ep. #6.11;
"Quicksand" - ep. #7.01; "Maybe" (with
- ep. #7.09; "Flying Machine" (with Everly), "We
Belong" (with Everly), "Girl in the Moon" (with Everly) &"Never Gonna Be"
- ep. #7.13; "Walk On The Ocean" - ep.
#8.22; "Blue Sky"
- ep. #9.13
Gardens & Villa - "Thorn Castles" - ep. #9.05
Gaslight Anthem, The - "We Did It When We Were Young"
- ep. #8.01; "The Diamond Church Street Choir"
- ep. #8.06; "Old Haunts"
- ep. #8.07
Geary, Mark - "South" - ep.
#2.12; "Angel"
- ep. #6.21
Generationals - "Trust" - ep.
#8.10; "Say For Certain"
- ep. #8.14; "Carrying The Torch"
- ep. #8.16; "Greenleaf" - ep.
George, Inara - "Genius" - ep.
Get Back Sons - "Radiostar" - ep. #8.12
Get Up Kids, The - "Holiday" - ep.
#1.05; "Overdue" - ep.
#1.01 & #2.11; "The One You Want" - ep.
#1.12; "Like A Man Possessed" - ep.
#2.19; "I'll Catch You" - ep.
Gigolo Aunts - "Pacific Ocean Blues" - ep.
#1.06; "Once In Awhile" - ep.
#1.20; I'm Not The One" - ep.
Giles, Rob - "See Me" - ep.
Girl Named Toby - "Holding A Heart"
- ep. #8.06
Glass Pear - "Say It Once"
- ep. #8.12
Glick, Jesse - "Ballad of a Broken Heart"
- ep. #7.09
Glitter, Gary - "Rock and Roll Part Two" - ep.
Gnarls Barkley - "Run (I'm a Natural Disaster)" - ep.
Go Betty Go - "C'mon" - ep.
Goddamn Electric Bill - "Clouds And A Bee"
- ep.
Golan, Rosi - "Been A Long Day" - ep. #6.13;
"Hazy" - ep.
#6.14; "Come Around"
- ep. #6.24; "While We Have The Chance" (with
Peter Bradley Adams) - ep. #7.07; "Flicker"
- ep. #9.08; "Everything Is Brilliant"
- ep. #9.12
Goodman, Benny (Performed by the on screen band) - "Sing, Sing,
Sing (With a Swing)" - ep. #6.11
Goodmornings - "Go For a Walk"
- ep. #5.04
Go! Team, The - "Huddle Formation" - ep.
Gold, John - "Hope Springs Eternal" - ep.
Gomez - "Silence" - ep. #2.01
Gone City - "Devil's Got My Soul"
- ep. #6.18
Gonzalez, Jos - "Heartbeats" - ep.
#4.09 & #5.05
Gorbel, Jarrod - "Optimism"
- ep. #7.21; "How Long?" - ep.
#7.22; "I'll Do Better"
- ep. #8.01; "Devilish Ways"
- ep. #8.05; "Take Me to Heaven" - ep. #8.06;
"Ten Years Older"
- ep. #8.07; "A Moment Of Peace" - ep.
Grace, Geoff - "4 Ferris"
- #7.15
Grace Potter & The Nocturnals - "Apologies" - ep.
"Ah Mary", "When The Stars Go Blue" & "I Want
Something That I Want" (with Bethany Joy Galeotti) - ep. #6.07;
"I Don't Want To Be" - ep. #8.08;
"Colors" - ep. #8.14
Graffiti6 - "Stone In Your Heart"
- ep. #8.20
Grad, Rob - "In Your Head" - ep. #3.04
Grae, Jean - "The One Step" - ep.
Grahame, David - "It's You That I Find" - ep.
"Nothing Can Change It" - ep. #1.17
Grant, Dalton - "Broken"
- ep.
#2.13 &
Gray, David - "First Chance"
- ep. #7.06; "Kathleen"
- ep. #7.09
Great Northern - "Houses" - ep. #7.05
Green River Ordinance - "Out Of The Storm"
- ep. #9.12
Greenberg, Bryan - "Say Yes" - ep.
#1.06; "Mind Leak" & "Lonely World" - ep.
#1.09; "Someday" - ep.
#3.20 (*)
Greene, Jackie - "I Don't Live In A Dream"
- ep. #6.09
Griffin, Patty - "Rowing Song" - ep.
#2.09; "Burgundy Shoes" - ep.
#4.19; "You've Got Growin' Up To Do" - ep.
Griffin House - "Better Than Love"
- ep. #5.06
Group 1 Crew - "Forgive Me" - ep.
Gundersen, Noah - "Middle of June" - ep.
Guggenheim Grotto - "Philosophia" - ep. #4.18;
"Lost Forever" - ep. #6.17; "Everyman" -
ep. #7.06
Gym Class Heroes - "The Queen and I" - ep.
#4.03; "Good Vibrations" - ep.
back to top
Hanson, Tom - "My Love in Blue"
- ep. #5.16
Hard-Fi - "Hard To Beat" - ep.
Harmon, Jaden - "Bust A Move" - ep.
Hammerwax - "The Piano Shake"
- ep. #8.07; "Move Like This" - ep.
#8.12; "Step Into The Ring"
- ep.
Hampdens, The - "Asleep On The Lawn" - ep. #7.09
Hanauer, Tim - "Miss" - ep. #6.14
Hangmen, The - "Dark Eyes" - ep. #9.09
Hannigan, Lisa - "Sea Song" - ep. #6.17
Harris, Richard - "Will You Be There" - ep.
Hart, Emerson - "Friend to a Stranger" - ep.
Haven, Catfish - "Crazy For Leaving" - ep. #5.15
Hawaii - "Break You" - ep. #5.14
Hathaway - "Broken" - ep.
"There's Something Better" - ep.
Hawken, Aidan - "Innocent"
- ep. #6.23
Hayes, Gemma - "November"
- ep. #7.17
Head Automatica - "At The Speed of A Yellow Bullet" - ep.
Heller, Cathy - "Gonna Be Happy"
- ep. #9.12
Heller, JJ - "Control" - ep. #7.19;
"Love Can Make You New" - ep.
Hendrickson, Bart - "Zero Tolerance"
- ep. #7.17
Hereafter, The - "The 40th Century"
- ep. #7.09
Her Space Holiday - "The New Kid Revival"
Herstand, Ari - "Last Day" - ep.
Herzig, Katie - "Forevermore" - ep. #6.02;
"Hey Na Na"
- ep. #7.03; "Best Day Of My Life"
- ep. #8.10; "Free My Mind" - ep.
Hest, Ari - "Broken Voices"
- ep. #6.23
Hey Ocean! - "Islands" - ep. #9.07
Higgins, Missy - "Scar" - ep.
#2.21; "Where I Stood" - ep.
High City Miles - "You're At The Top (Hit List)" - ep.
#2.07; "Whatcha Gonna Do?" - ep.
High Decibels, The - "Cut Loose"
- ep. #8.12
Highway Rising - "Coming Undone" - ep.
Hilton, Tyler - "Glad" - ep.
& #2.12;
"When The Stars Go Blue" - ep. #2.08,
#3.02; "When It Comes" - ep.
#2.10 &
#2.13; "How Love Should Be" - ep.
#2.22; "Star-Spangled Banner" - ep.
#3.08; "Missing You" - ep.
#3.13; "You'll Ask For Me" - ep.
#4.17; "Loaded Gun"
- ep. #9.01 & #9.13; "Kickin' My Heels" - ep.
#9.02; "Prince of Nothing Charming" - ep.
#9.06 (*)
Hives, The - "Tick Tick Boom"
- ep. #5.07
Holden, Greg - "Following Footsteps" - ep.
Honeypie - "Never Get Enough" - ep. #6.21
Honorary Title, The - "Burning The Tunnel" - ep.
#2.03; "Cats In Heat" - ep.
#2.21; "Stay Away"
- ep. #4.17 & #5.07;
"Far More"
- ep. #5.07; "Along The Way" - ep.
Hopewell - "Bethlehem" - ep. #6.07
Horrible Crowes, The - "Joey"
- ep. #9.07; "Sugar" & "I Believe Jesus Brought Us
- ep. #9.13
Hotel Eden - "Highlights From A Cold And Desperate Song" - ep.
#8.20; "It Doesn't Matter (An Association)" - ep.
Hotel Lights - "Follow Through"
- ep. #5.03
Hot Hot Heat - "Middle of Nowhere" - ep. #3.21
Hot Water Music
- "I Was On A Mountain" - ep.
#1.04; "Remedy" - ep.
Hours, The - "Back When You Were Good"
- ep. #5.02; "Let Me Breathe" - ep.
Houston, Whitney - "Greatest Love Of All"
- ep. #6.14
Hindle, James William - "Leaving Trains" - ep.
#1.12; "Shadows Cast a Lie" - ep.
#1.16; "Slumberland" - ep.
#3.09; "Love You More"
- ep. #3.14
Hoy, Greg - "Tested By History" - ep.
Hupfeld, Herman - "As Time Goes By"
- ep. #6.11
Hurt, Casey - "Come To Me"
- ep. #8.05; "Sunday Mornings"
- ep. #9.01
Hurts to Purr - "Matinee"
- ep. #6.04
Huskey Rescue - "New Light Of Tomorrow"
- ep.
#2.18; "The Good Man" - ep.
Huston, Ryan - "Only Human" - ep. #8.06
back to top
I Am Kloot -
"Proof" - ep. #2.07; "Over My
Shoulder" - ep. #3.11; "I Still Do"
- ep. #8.03
Icon - "Bomb 1,2,3" - ep. #4.07
Idyllists, The - "You're Gonna Break My Heart Someday"
- ep. #7.19
I Monster - "Hey Mrs"
- ep. #5.07
INXS - "Never Tear Us Apart" - eo.
Io Echo - "Doorway" - ep.
Iron and Wine | Calexico - "He Lays In The Reins" - ep.
#3.19; "Belated Promise Ring" - ep. #7.01
Ivy - "Clear My Head" - ep.
Izibor, Laura - "I Don't Want To Be" & "Can't Be Love" - ep. #8.06
& #8.08; "Everybody's Wrong Sometimes"
- ep. #8.08l "If Tonight Is My Last" & "Mmm..."
- ep. #8.10
back to top
J, Sofia - "I Am Real" aka "You
Gotta Know Me" - ep.
Jack's Mannequin
- "The Mixed Tape" - ep. #3.08 &
#3.15; "Holiday From Real" & "Dark Blue" - ep.
#3.15; "Orphans" -
ep. #6.05
Jackson Waters - "Center of Attention" - ep.
#4.08; "Come Undone" (Acoustic)
- ep. #5.01
Jaffe, Sarah - "Clementine" - ep. #8.22
Jak, Christopher
- "Bought and Sold" - ep.
James, Brendan - "Your Beating Heart"
- ep. #8.03; "Changing Us" - ep.
Jamestown Story - "In Loving Memory" - ep. #5.14
Jamiroquai - "Feels Just Like It Should" - ep.
Jaye, Courtney - "Can You Sleep?" - ep.
JBM - "Red October"
- ep. #8.03; "Only Now" & "Crooked Branches" - ep.
#9.09; "Forests" - ep.
Jelen, Ben - "Come On" - ep.
Jem - "Flying High" - ep. #2.15;
"How Would You Like It" - ep.
Jenny & Johnny - "Switchblade" - ep. #8.14
Jet - "Are You Gonna Be My Girl?" - ep.
#1.00, #4.15 &
#5.06; "She's A Genius"
- ep. #7.02
Jibe - "Hypocrite" - ep. #1.05
Jimmy Eat World - "Kill" - ep.
"23" - ep.
#2.10; "Work", "Polaris" & "Hear You Me" - ep.
#2.22; "Over" - ep. #3.08;
"Disintegration" - ep. #3.09; "Gotta Be
Somebody's Blues"
- ep. #5.02
Jim Yoshii Pile-Up, The - "Silver Sparkler" - ep.
John John - "Shake It" - ep. #6.21
Jones, Jonathan - "Morning Light"
- ep. #9.12
Jones, Tom - "You Can Leave Your Hat On" -
ep. #1.17
Juicy Monkey - "Deception Loves Company" - ep.
#6.09; "Get Up & Fight"
- ep. #8.12
Jude - "Need You Here" - ep.
Junior Senior - "Good Girl, Bad Boy" - ep.
Junk - "Life Is Good"
- ep. #2.02; "Satellite" - ep.
Jupiter Sunrise - "Steal Me"
- ep. #5.01
Jurado, Damien - "Sucker" & "Abilene" - ep.
#2.19; "Lottery" - ep. #2.21;
"Sheets" - ep. #6.08; "Paper Kite"
- ep. #6.13
back to top
Kalie & Mister Dunmore
- "Star" - ep. #8.06
Kate Tucker & The Sons of Sweden
- "Everything Went Down"
- ep. #7.17
Kaywin, Arden
- "When Will It Happen"
- ep. #5.16
Kaiser Chiefs
- "I Predict a Riot" - ep.
Kasabian - "Club Foot" - ep.
Kater, David - "Never Meant For You (Robotekks Mix)" - ep. #5.07;
"Damn (Robotekks Remix)" - ep. #5.17
Keane -
"Everybody's Changing" - ep. #2.02; "She
Has No Time"
- ep.
#2.13; "Spiralling" - ep.
#6.15; "Love Is The End" - ep. #6.18
Kearney, Mat - "Won't Back Down" - ep.
Kelley, Josh
- "Everybody Wants You" - ep.
Kelly, Simon - "Burn My Eyes" - ep. #7.05
Kenna - "Free Time" - ep.
Kessenich, Grayson - "All Things New" - ep.
Kevin & the Octaves - "This Is Something" -
ep. #8.02
K.C. & The Sunshine Band - "Get Down Tonight"
- ep. #8.07
KiD CuDi - "Erase Me" - ep.
Kid Gloves - "Don't Forget" - ep.
#1.15; "All The Time" - ep.
Kid Lightning - "I'm Not The One" - ep.
"Sunshine and Cinnamon" - ep.
Kill Hannah - "Kennedy" - ep.
Kingstreet - "In-N-Out" - ep.
KISS - "Rock and Roll All Nite" - ep. #7.19
Kissaway Trail, The - "Don't Wake Up" & "New Year" - ep.
Kooks, The - "Na ve" - ep.
Kool & the Gang - "Ladies Night" - ep.
Korn - "Word Up" - ep. #2.03
Kosmos, Doktor - "Holiday" - ep.
#2.08 & #3.09
Kramer, Jana - "I Won't Give Up"
- ep.
#8.14 &
#8.17; "Whiskey"
- ep. #8.19; "Why You Wanna" - ep.
#8.22; "What I Love About Your Love"
- ep. #9.01 &
- "Where Are We Runnin'?" - ep. #1.21;
"Bring It On"
- ep. #5.09
Kremens, Jim - "This Is The Please" - ep.
Kuney, Amy ft. Tim Myers - "All Downhill From Here"
- ep. #5.18; "Hope A Little Harder"
- ep. #8.02; "Where I Can't Follow" - ep.
Kushnier, Jeremy - "Allision" - ep.
Kustoo - "Get Your Hands Up"
- ep. #5.06
back to top
Shannon - "Calls Me Home"
- ep. #7.21; "Sweet Mystery"
- ep. #8.14
Lachey, Nick - "All In My Head" - ep.
Lafferty, James - "Bust A Move"
- ep. #6.14 (*)
Lali Puna - "Nin-Com-Pop" - ep.
Lamb, Perrin - "Let It Linger"
- ep.
LaMontagne, Ray
- "Hold You In My Arms" - ep.
#2.20; "Within You"
- ep. #4.01, #4.21; "Lessons Learned" - ep.
#4.09; "A Falling Through" - ep.
#6.12; "You Are The Best Thing"
- ep. #8.13
LaMontagne, Ray and the Pariah Dogs
- "For The Summer"- ep. #8.05; "God
Willin' & The Creek Don't Rise" - ep. #8.15
Landry, Katherine - "Snake Charmer" - ep.
#6.12 (*)
Lang, Jonny - "Beautiful One" - ep.
Land, Lex - "As Much As You Lead"
- ep. #6.20; "Ides of March"
- ep. #8.08
Lane, Sunday - "Heavy Heart, Heavy Hands" & "Reckless One"
- ep. #9.01
Lanu - "Beautiful Trash"
- ep. #8.21; "Fall"
- ep. #9.02
La Rocca - "Goodnight" - ep.
#4.03; "Capitol Pill" - ep.
#4.09; "Non Believer" - ep.
#4.10; "Love Under Key" - ep.
#5.13; "Roadway Hymn" - ep.
#5.14; "Paris"
- ep. #6.04; "Half Speed"
- ep. #6.06
La Santa Cecilia - "El Farol"
- ep. #8.21
Larson, Jules - "My Own Drum"
- ep. #8.04; "Your Kind of Girl" - ep.
LaRue, Phillip - "Found"
- ep. #6.19; "Chasing The Daylight" - ep.
#7.01; "Deeper Side Of You" - ep.
Laswell, Greg - "Sing, Theresa Says"
- ep. #4.12; "Off I Go (2010 Mix)"
- ep. #8.05
Lazarus/firstcom - "Spitfire" - ep. #5.14
Lazy Stars
- "Just A Lonely Boy" - ep.
Lea-Coz, Peter -
"Wedding March (traditional)" - ep.
Led Zeppelin
- "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You" - ep. #3.22
Lee & Wilbee
- "Love's Not Worth It" - ep. #7.20
Lee, Ben - "The Aftertaste" - ep.
#1.00; "No Right Angles" & "Begin" - ep.
#2.12; "Ripe"
- ep. #5.02; "What's So Bad (About Feeling Good)"
- ep. #6.16
Leftwich, Benjamin Francis - "Box Of Stones"
- ep. #9.02
Leif Karate - "She's Adorable" - ep.
#3.01; "Steven McQueen Was A Great Papillion" - ep.
Leopold -"Walking Away" - ep.
#4.21; "October"
- ep. #5.05; "She Said" - ep.
Lenz/Galeotti, Bethany Joy / Haley James Scott -
"Elsewhere" - ep.
#1.14 & ep.
"Let Me Fall" - ep. #2.06;
#2.07; "When The Stars Go Blue" - ep.
#3.02; "Halo" - ep. #3.09, #3.10
& #3.15; "Leaving Town Alive" & "Let The
Fire Start" - ep. #5.14; "Feel This" (ft.
Enation) - ep. #5.18, #6.01
& #6.10; "I Want
Something That I Want" (with Grace Potter) - ep.
#6.07; "Karen's Cafe" aka "Hotel Cafe", "Scheming
Star" & "Mrs. Scott" - ep. #6.11;
"Quicksand" - ep. #7.01; "Maybe" (with
- ep. #7.09; "Flying Machine" (with Everly), "We
Belong" (with Everly), "Girl in the Moon" (with Everly) &"Never Gonna Be"
- ep. #7.13; "Walk On The Ocean" - ep.
#8.22; "Blue Sky" - ep.
Geary, Mark - "South" - ep.
Le Tigre - "TKO" - ep. #3.05
Les Mis rables - "Finale" - ep. #3.15
Letting Up Despite Great Faults - "Disasters Are Okay"
- ep. #4.19
Let's Go Sailing - "All I Want From You Is Love" - ep.
Lifehouse - "Broken"
- ep. #5.09; "From Where You Are" - ep.
Light FM - "16 Below" - ep.
Lightman, Toby - "Real Love" - ep.
Like, The - "(So I'll Sit Here) Waiting" - ep.
Lil Coe/Northstar - "What U Gonna Do"
- ep. #5.01
Limbeck - "The State" - ep. #3.13;
"Brad New Orange" - ep. #3.18
Lindsey, Ryan - "Open Late" - ep.
Lissie - "Here Before"
- ep. #7.21
Lit - "My Own Worst Enemy" - ep.
Little Heroes, The - "Thank You"
- ep. #5.02; "On Your Way"
- ep. #7.21
Little Humans - "Point of View" - ep.
Live - "Lightning Crashes" - ep.
Livesay, Billy - "Holdin' On" - ep.
Living Blue, The - "State of Affairs" - ep.
#3.10; "Murderous Youth" - ep. #3.18
LL Cool J - "Headsprung" - ep.
#2.02; "Mama Said Knock You Out"
- ep. #7.12 & #7.13
- "Bullet With Your Name On It" - ep.
Logen, Michael - "St. Christopher"
- ep.
#9.04; "Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye"
- ep. #9.11
Logh - "Sunset Knife Fight" -
- ep. #4.12
Longview - "Further" - ep.
Looney Tunes - "The Merry Go Round Broke Down"
- ep. #5.09
Loops - "About You" - ep.
Loquat - "Swingset Chains" - ep.
Lord, Mary Lou - "The Wind Blew All Around Me" - ep.
Lo-Tel - "Angel" - ep. #2.04
Louis XIV - "Finding Out True Love is Blind" - ep.
Louque - "Art"
- ep. #2.02
Lov, Sara - "Tell Me How" - ep.
Loved Ones, The - "Arsenic" - ep.
Lovely Feathers, The - "Wrong Choice" - ep.
Loverboy - "Turn Me Loose" - ep. #6.21
Low-Fi - "Where You Are"
- ep. #7.16
Low Five - "Get Through This" - ep.
Low Flying Owls - "Glad To Be Alive" - ep.
Low vs Diamond - "I'll Be"
- ep. #5.01; "Song We Sang Away"
- ep. #5.16; "Don't Forget Sister" & "Heart Attack"
- ep. #5.17; "This Is Your Life"
- ep. #6.04; "Killer B" - ep.
#6.20; "I Don't Want To Be" (as performed
by Lucas Field of LVD) - ep. #8.07
Lucero - "Nobody's Darlings" - ep.
#3.01; "She Wakes When She Dreams"
- ep. #4.17; "Tell Me What It Takes"
ep. #4.20; "Mom"
- ep. #7.03; "Hey Darlin' Do You Gamble?" - ep.
#7.05; "I Don't Want To Be"
- ep. #8.19
Lucky Soul - "One Kiss Don't Make a Summer"
- ep. #5.04; "Struck Dumb"
- ep. #5.08
Lucky Town - "Impossible" - ep. #1.05
Lucius - "Housewarming" - ep. #9.09
Luxury Liners, The - "Dreaming" - ep.
Lynyrd Skynyrd - "Tuesday's Gone" - ep. #4.13
back to top
Macgregor, Mary - "Torn Between 2 Lovers"
- ep. #3.14
Madison Rose - "Just A Little Bit More" - ep.
Mae - "Skyline Drive" - ep.
Magic Bullets - "Let's Lie To Each Other" aka "Will Scarlet"
- ep. #5.02
Magnet - "Where Happiness Lives" - ep.
Magnetic Man - "Flying Into Tokyo" - ep. #9.09
Magnolia Electric Co. - "Hard To Love A Man" - ep.
Mahna Mahna & The Snowths - "Mah Na Mah Na" - ep.
Malinowski, Jay - "There's A Light"
- ep. #8.01
Man, The - "Sparks" - ep. #1.07
Manafest - "4321"
- ep. #6.19
Manchester Orchestra - "I Can Feel A Hot One" - ep.
Mann, Aimee - "Little Tornado" - ep. #6.18;
"I Don't Want To Be" - ep. #8.10
Margot and The Nuclear So & So's - "A Children's Crusade On Acid" - ep.
#6.04; "Love Song For The Schuba's
Bartender" - ep. #6.09; "Hello Vagina"
- ep. #6.10
March, Sharron - "Deep Pocket" - ep.
#3.14; "Indian Summer" - ep.
Maroon 5 - "She Will Be Loved" - ep.
#2.01; "Harder To Breathe" - ep.
#1.10; "How"
- ep. #8.04
Mars, Charlie - "Gather the Horses" - ep.
Marshall Tucker Band, The - "Can't You See"
- ep. #6.24
Master Source - "Mix It Up" - ep.
#1.16; "For Sho" - ep. #1.17; "Someone Like
You" - ep. #1.18; "Bring It On" - ep.
#1.19; "Trying" - ep.
#2.09; "Hard Feelings" - ep. #4.16;
"Dirty South Hustla" - ep. #5.09;
"A Hero's Welcome" - ep.
Marston, Quinn - "Electrical One" - ep. #7.10
Marlette, Molly - "Constantly" - ep. #6.10
Martyn, Geoff - "Think It Must Be" - ep. #5.02
Mates of State - "My Only Offer" - ep.
#6.08; "Unless I'm Led" - ep. #9.03
Matter - "Last Thing" - ep. #9.09
Max Boogie Overdrive - "Ugly"
- ep. #6.09
May, Amy - "Real" - ep. #9.02
May, Michael - "We're Gonna Make It"
- ep. #8.15 & #9.02 (*)
Megha Maan - "Have A Nice Day"
- ep. #7.09
McAllister, Ryan - "Too Many Pills"
- ep. #7.10
McCarley, Erin - "Pitterpat" - ep.
#5.08; "Pony"
- ep. #5.09; "Off We Go"
- ep. #8.16
McFarlane, Seth - "High School Is Such a Serious Thing" - ep.
Jim - "Want You To Come Over" - ep.
McLachlan, Sarah - "Fallen" - ep.
McLean, Moses - "Sexy Baby" - ep. #4.07
McLinden, Paul - "Too Little Too Late" - ep.
McLuskly - "To Hell With Good Intentions" - ep.
McMorrow, James Vincent - "We Don't Eat" -
ep. #7.12
Meanwhile, Michael - "13 States"- ep.
"Sun and Stars" - ep. #2.06
Meeting Places, The - "Ebbing Seasons"/"Hall of Fame"
- ep. #4.10
Meiko - "Said and Done"
- ep. #6.04; "Hawaii"
- ep. #6.13
Melanoid - "Thought You Knew" - ep.
Mellowdrone - "Beautiful Day" - ep.
Menotti - "Party All Night" - ep.
Metric - "Help I'm Alive" - ep. #7.04;
"Gold Guns Girls (Acoustic)" - ep. #8.11
Mezzanine Owls - "Moving Ground" - ep.
#6.05; "Snow Globe" - ep.
Michaelson, Ingrid - "Masochist" - ep. #4.13;
"Overboard" - ep. #4.14; "Way I Am"
- ep. #4.19; "I Can't Help Falling In Love With
- ep. #6.23
Midnight Hour - "Who Who" aka "Becoming Who We Are"
- ep. #7.19
Midnight to Twelve - "Slam" - ep.
Midnight Youth - "Golden Love" - ep. #7.22
Midtown - "Give It Up" - ep.
Millar, Emile - "Traffic Lights"
- ep. #9.01
Mills, Chris - "Chenoa"
- ep. #4.11
Minnutes - "Destiny" & "More To Love" -
ep. #6.15; "Le Fantasy"
- ep. #6.18
Miriello, Amie - "I Came Around" - ep. #6.20;
"Gun Is Loaded"
- ep. #9.13
Mitchell - "You're A Day" - ep.
Mobile - "New York Minute" - ep.
Modest Mouse - "Float On"
- ep. #2.02
Mojo Monkeys - "Hang" - ep.
Molly M. - "Bounce" - ep. #3.12
Monsters Are Waiting - "Time" - ep. #3.18
Moody Brothers, The - "Cotton Eyed Joe" -
ep. #8.10
Mooney Suzuki, The - "Alive and Amplified" - ep.
Morella's Forest - "Shining Star" - ep.
Morrison, James - "This Boy"
- ep. #4.17; "Once When I Was Little" - ep.
Morningwood - "Body 21" - ep. #3.05;
"Nth Degree" - ep.
Moss, Cullen - "Greatest Love Of All" - ep.
#6.14 (*)
Mother Love Bone - "Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns" - ep.
Motley Crue - "Girls, Girls, Girls" - ep. #3.04;
"Home Sweet Home" - ep. #4.21
MoZella - "Light Years Away" - ep.
#3.01; "You Wanted It" - ep. #3.11;
"Say It Ain't So" - ep. #4.21
Muevate - "Amor", "La Vida Buena" & "De Cuba A Miami" - ep.
Mullholland, Michael - "Down and Dirty"
- ep. #7.17
Mumford & Sons - "Timeshel" - ep. #7.22
Muppet Show, The - "Mah Na Mah Na" - ep. #8.19
Murdoch, Alexi - "12" - ep.
#4.06; "Towards The Sun"
- ep. #7.18
Murphy, Peter - "Strange Kind of Love"
ep. #4.20
Murray, Pete - "So Beautiful" - ep.
Music Dept., The - "Already Fell"
- ep. #7.21
Musical Youth - "Pass The Dutchie" - ep. #7.08
My Morning Jacket - "Look At You" & "Highly Suspicious" - ep. #6.01
Myrmidons, The - "Clap (See The Stars") -
ep. #7.18
back to top
Nada Surf
- "Inside of Love" - ep.
#1.12; "Always Love" - ep.
#3.03 & #3.11; "Concrete Bed" - ep. #3.11;
"I Like What You Say", "Here Goes Something", "See These Bones" & "The Film Did
Not Go Round" - ep. #5.10; "Are You
Lightning" - ep. #6.17
Naked and Famous, The - "The Sun" - ep. #9.01
Nalick, Anna - "Wreck of the Day" - ep.
#2.12; "Shine"
- ep. #5.12
NameBrand - "I'm The Man" - ep.
Nashville Skyline - "Carry You Home" - ep.
Nathanson, Matt - "All We Are" - ep. #5.03;
"Wedding Dress"
- ep. #6.23; "Kiss Quick" - ep.
National, The - "Daughters of the Soho Riots" - ep.
#3.17; "Lucky You" - ep.
#4.12; "About Today" - ep.
#4.14; "Start a War" - ep.
#4.21; "Slow Show", "Green Gloves" & "Fake Empire"
- ep. #5.01
Naut - "I Lost My Heart" - ep.
Nectar -
"Everything Is" - ep. #2.05
Nelson, Willie - "Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground"
- ep. #7.07, #7.21 &
N.E.R.D. - "Lapdance" - ep.
Neuman, Carolyne - "All The Way"
- ep. #8.03
New Amsterdams, The - "Hanging On For Hope" - ep.
#1.08; "Your Ghost" - ep.
#3.07 & #3.21; "The Death of Us" - ep. #3.10;
"Strangled By The Thought" - ep. #3.21;
"Hughes" - ep. #5.06; "I Don't Want To
Be" - ep. #8.15
New Buffalo - "Emotional Champ"
- ep. #5.04
New Moscow - "Taking Back What's Mine"
ep. #4.20
Nine Black Alps - "Unsatisfied" - ep.
Noah and the Whale - "Blue Skies" - ep.
Noble, Sierra - "Possibility" - ep. #8.06;
"I Can See" - ep. #8.15
Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - "If I Had A Gun..." - ep.
Nolan - "Testing" - ep. #2.08
Norris, Lee - "Baby Got Back" - ep.
Noises 10, The
- "Stuck In The Backseat" - ep.
Noisettes - "Don't Upset The Rhythm", "Never Forget You" & "Sometimes"
- ep. #7.04
Novocaines, The - "Leaving In The Sunrise"
- ep.
Novosti - "At The Bonfire" - ep. #9.09
Novi Split
- "Hollow Notes" - ep. #7.01; "Leaving
- ep. #7.06
NuClothes, Tarik
- "Bubble Shaker" - ep. #9.03
Nutini, Paolo -
"Last Request"
ep. #4.20
back to top
Oasis - "(Get Off Your) High Horse Lady" - ep.
#6.12; "The Nature Of Reality" - ep.
Obscurities, The - "All Over" - ep. #3.05
Oceanship - "Hotblack"
- ep. #7.10
Oh Darling - "Never Go Too Far"
- ep. #7.06
OK Go - "Invincible" - ep. #3.04;
"Oh Lately It's So Quiet"
- ep. #4.08; "Here It Goes Again" - ep.
#5.11; "I Want You So Bad I Can't Breathe" - ep.
#7.06; "Lovecats" -
OK SWEETHEART - "Home" - ep. #8.21
Olin & the Moon - "Not In Love"
- ep. #7.20; "I Don't Want To Be" - ep.
#8.16; "Gonna Make You Mine"
- ep.
#8.17; "Not In Love" - ep.
Olson, Evan - "Not What I Wanted" - ep. #3.18
Olson, Hans - "The Sun's Going Down On Me"
- ep. #8.12
OneRepublic - "Lullaby"
- ep. #7.16; "Good Life" - ep.
One Two - "Trouble"
- ep.
Onward, Soldiers - "Stick To Your Guns"
- ep. #8.01; "Monsters"
- ep. #8.06
Open Sea, The - "All In A Day"
- ep. #8.01; "Keep Me Tonight" - ep. #8.06
Owl City - "On The Wing" - ep. #6.21
Other Guys, The - "Fire At Will"; "Ever After" - ep.
Other Lives - "For 12" - ep. #8.11
Outline, The - "Shotgun"
- ep. #4.07
Orbiter - "3 A.M." - ep. #4.12
Other Lives - "Black Tables"
- ep. #7.19; "Tamer Animals" - ep. #9.03
back to top
Pachelbel/Opus 1 Music - "Canon In D" - ep.
Paper Raincoat, The - "Brooklyn Blurs"
- ep. #7.16; "Rough Cut"
- ep. #8.12
Paper Route - "The Sound" - ep. #5.15;
"Second Chances" - ep. #5.16
- "She Is Love (Acoustic)"
- ep. #6.21
Paris Texas
- "Bombs Away" - ep.
Park, Patrick - "The Lucky Ones" - ep.
Parlotones, The - "Rock Paper Scissors" - ep.
#7.01; "I'll Be There"
- ep. #8.03
Pearl Jam - "Just Breathe" - ep. #8.02
Pelham, Matt - "Everything I Want"
- ep. #6.21
Pennywise - "Yesterdays" - ep.
Peniston, CeCe - "Finally" - ep.
People People - "Do You Feel Love" - ep.
The - "My Heart" - ep. #2.02; "Sway"
- ep. #2.04; "Pills" - ep.
#2.10; "My Own" - ep.
Perri, Christina - "Arms" - ep. #8.21
Perry, Katy - "Simple" - ep. #3.10;
"Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)" - ep. #8.21
Perryman Jones, Matthew - "Feels Like Letting Go" - ep.
#6.03; "Save You" - ep.
#6.19; "Amelia"
- ep. #6.21; "Out Of Reach" - ep.
Phantom Planet - "Big Brat" - ep.
Phillips, Grant Lee - "Buried Treasure" - ep.
Phoenix - "Love Like A Sunset, Part II" - ep.
Pick, Zaack - "Drifters" aka "Walk Down To The Water"
- ep. #7.03; "Bad Dream"
- ep. #7.14
Pilate - "Alright"
- ep.
Pigg, Landon - "Great Companion" - ep. #4.14
Pilot to Gunner - "Dry Ice & Strobe Lights" - ep.
PINK - "Funhouse" - ep.
Pink Moth - "Lines"
- ep. #9.01
Placebo - "Post Blue" - ep. #4.03
& #4.04
Plain White T's - "Rhythm of Love"
- ep. #8.15
PlayRadioPlay! - "Elephants As Big As Whales" - ep.
Pleasure Bridge - "If You're Gone"
- ep. #7.14; "In Your Arms Again"
- ep.
Plimsouls, The - "Oldest Story In The World"
- ep. #4.17
Plumb - "In My Arms" - ep. #5.17
Plunkett, Steve - "Too Hot To Stop" (with Marc Ferrari)
- ep. #7.17
PMG - "Big Days"; "Raise Your Hands" - ep.
Pop - "You Bring Me" - ep.
Potter, Grace -
"Apologies" - ep.
#5.12 (with The Nocturnals);
"Ah Mary", "When The Stars Go Blue" & "I Want Something
That I Want" (with Bethany Joy Galeotti) - ep. #6.07;
"I Don't Want To Be" - ep.
Presley, Elvis (as performed by an organist) - "Burning Love" - ep. #6.01
Prettyman, Tristan - "Simple As It Should Be" - ep.
Promise and The Monster - "Night Out" - ep.
Pryor, Matt - "It Ends Here" - ep.
#6.06; "When The World Stops Turning" - ep.
Public - "Sit Still" - ep.
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Quadron - "Pressure"
- ep. #8.15
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Radical Face - "Welcome Home"
- ep. #7.03;
"Black Eyes" - ep. #9.06
Radin, Joshua - "Everything'll Be Alright (Will's Lullaby)" - ep.
"They Bring Me To You" & "No Envy, No Fear" - ep.
#6.05 & ep.
#6.06; "You've Got Growin' Up To Do" - ep. #6.09;
"One Of Those Days" - ep. #6.17; "The
Rock And The Tide"
- ep. #8.04; "I Don't Want To Be" - ep.
Radio 4
- "The Death Of American Radio" - ep.
Radio America - "Mahabharata" - ep. #5.04
Radius - "Illuminate" - ep.
#3.03; "There She Goes" - ep. #3.05
Rag City Dolls, The - "Let's Go" - ep.
Ra Ra Riot - "Can You Tell" - ep. #6.09
Razorlight - "Stinger"
- ep. #6.18
Real Efforts of Real People, The - "Second Life" - ep.
Real Tuesday Weld, The - "On Lavender Hill" - ep.
Rector, Ben - "You And Me" - ep.
Red Cortez - "All The Difference" & "Fell On The Floor" - ep.
Red Letter Days - "Motorcycle Dreamer" - ep.
Red Panda - "Just Another Girl"
- ep. #5.07
Red Thread, The
- "The Getaway" - ep.
Red West, The - "Today's Another Nation"
- ep. #6.19
Reeves, Jason - "Never Find Again" - ep.
Rescues, The - "Stranger Keeper" & "Let Loose The Horses" - ep.
Rice, Damien - "Grey Room"
- ep. #4.11; "Cold Water"
- ep. #9.08
Rice, Jonathan - "Mid November" - ep.
#2.06; "It Couldn't Be Me" - ep.
#5.13; "It Is Best To Keep It All Inside"-
ep. #6.09
Richards, JR - "Far End of the Black"
- ep. #7.16
Riddlin' Kids - "Stop The World" - ep.
Right The Stars - "Know That I Would"
- #7.15; "Together We're Never Alone"
- ep. #8.07; "Airhead (There's the Moment)" - ep. #9.03;
"I Can See The Light" - ep. #9.05
Rilo Kiley - "Silver Lining" - ep. #5.04
Ripp, Andrew - "You Will Find Me" - ep.
Roach, AJ - "Devil May Dance" - ep. #7.01
Robbie Seay Band - "Shine Your Light On Us" - ep.
Rob Momary - "Brief Intermission" - ep.
Rocketboys, The - "Sights and Sounds" - ep.
Rocket From The Crypt - "Flight Of The Hobo" - ep.
Rock-N-Roll Soldiers - "Funny Little Feelings" - ep.
Rogers, Bess - "Yellow Bird"
- ep. #7.21
Rogue Wave - "Endless Shovel" ep.
#2.05; "Temporary" - ep.
#3.19; "Love's Lost Guarantee" - ep. #7.04
Rooney - "Blueside" - ep.
Rosebuds, The - "What Can I Do?" - ep. #4.13
Rose, Katy - "Overdrive" - ep.
Rosie and Me - "Darkest Horse" - ep. #8.22
Round 2 - "Almost" - ep. #5.07
Ruben, Jesse - "A Lack Of Armor" - ep. #6.21
Rumar, Sara - "Make Things Right" - ep. #6.21
Runaway Cab - "Money Bags" - ep.
#1.00; "No Exit" - ep. #1.07; "Time" - ep.
RUN DMC - "It's Tricky" - ep.
Russell, Luther - "Anything For You" - ep.
#2.07; "Keohen's Theme" - ep.
Russians, The - "Talking To Yourself"
- ep. #8.16
Ryan, Joey - "Loving You" - ep. #5.05;
"As It Must Be" - ep. #5.15
Ryan, Matthew - "Return To Me" - ep.
#1.03 & ep.
#2.11; "I Can't Steal You" - ep.
"Irrelevant" - ep. #2.19; "This
Side of Heaven" - ep.
#3.01; "Jane, I Still Feel the Same"
- ep. #5.12; "Some Streets Lead Nowhere" - ep.
#6.03; "I Don't Want To Be"
- ep. #8.05
back to top
S. Carey - "Mothers" - ep. #9.05
Saint Motel - "Puzzle Pieces" - ep. #8.21
Sallinger, Jim - "Awoken"
- ep. #5.18
Saliva - "Rest In Pieces" - ep.
#1.00 &
Sanders, Blue - "Hands" - ep.
Sarcevic, Nikola - "Vila Rada" - ep. #3.05;
"Lock-Sport-Krock" - ep. #3.13
Satchel - "Suffering" - ep.
#1.20; "Isn't That Right?"
ep. #4.20
Satellite - "Ring The Bells"
- ep. #8.03
Savoretti, Jack - "No One's Aware" - ep. #5.14;
"Between the Minds"
- ep. #5.16; "Dreamers"
- ep. #6.06; "Wonder"
- ep. #7.02; "Mother"
- ep. #7.12; "Life's Little Game"
- ep. #9.11
Say Hi - "All The Pretty Ones"
- ep.
#8.17; "Posture, Etc."
- ep. #8.20
Scanners - "In My Dreams"
- ep. #4.18
Scars On 45 - "Burn The House Down" - ep.
Schuller, Sebastien - "Sleeping Song" - ep. #3.05
Schwartz, Lucy - "Feeling Of Being"
- ep. #9.12
Scissor Sisters - "Take Your Mama" - ep.
Scott, Haley James/
Galeotti/Lenz, Bethany Joy - "Elsewhere" - ep.
#1.14 & ep.
"Let Me Fall" - ep. #2.06;
#2.07; "When The Stars Go Blue" - ep.
#3.02; "Halo" - ep. #3.09, #3.10
& #3.15; "Leaving Town Alive" & "Let The
Fire Start" - ep. #5.14; "Feel This" (ft.
Enation) - ep. #5.18 & #6.01
Geary, Mark - "South" - ep.
Screeching Weasel - "Cool Kids" - ep.
Sea of Bees - "Wizbot" - ep. #8.22
Sea Ray - "Revelry" - ep. #1.20
Selectracks - "Everybody In Da House"
- ep. #4.04; "Penetrate Your Soul"
- ep. #4.17; "You Got What It Takes"
- ep. #5.01
Sennen - "Bizarre Love Triangle"
- #7.15
Sense Field - "You Own Me" - ep.
Sequel, The - "Memories (All We Need)
- ep. #6.03
Sermad - "In The Building" - ep.
Serveert, Bettie - "You've Changed" - ep.
Setting Fires - "The Search" - ep. #8.01
Shaimus - "Left To Dry"
- ep. #7.09
Shake, The - "Manic Boogie" - ep. #7.07
Shane, Montana - "Try and Understand"
- ep.
Shawnna - "Shake Dat Sh**" - ep.
She Keeps Bees - "Mercury" - ep.
Shapes, The - "Birthday Song" - ep. #5.14
Shedd, Tracy - "Whatever It Takes" - ep.
Shepard, Jenn - "Here Without You" - ep.
She Wants Revenge - "Tear You Apart" -
ep. #3.14
Shins, The - "Pink Bullets" - ep.
#1.12; "Phantom Limb" - ep.
Shiny Toy Guns - "Le Disko" - ep.
Shore, The - "Waiting For The Sun" - ep.
Shout Out Louds - "Please, Please, Please" - ep.
#3.06; "The Candle Burned Out" - ep.
Shwachman, Matt - "Side of the Road"
- ep. #5.06
Side Effects, The feat. TJ Zinde of Last Conservative - "Get It Together"
- ep. #3.18
Silvas, Lucie - "Reset" - ep. #9.10
Silver - "Did I Lose You There?" - ep.
Silversun Pickups - "Rusted Wheel"
- ep. #4.07; "Three Seed"
- ep. #4.15, #4.21;
"Growing Old Is Getting Old"
- ep. #7.03
Simon & Garfunkel - "The Sound of Silence"
- ep. #7.21
Simple Minds - "Don't You Forget About Me"
- ep. #6.12, #7.15 &
Simpson, Ashlee - "Boyfriend" - ep.
Si*Se - "The Truth"
- ep. #4.05
Sissy Prozac - "On A Natural High" - ep. #4.16
Sixteen Cities - "Pray You Through"
- ep. #8.03
Skaugen, Noush - "Let You Go"
- ep. #7.19
Sleeping, The - "Anyone Night Stand" - ep.
Slow Runner - "Break Your Mama's Back" - ep. #3.17
Smashing Pumpkins - "Neverlost"
- ep. #5.02
Smashtrax - "Nothing" - ep.
Smith, Jake - "Must Be Love" - ep.
Smith, Meaghan - "I Know" - ep. #6.11;
"A Piece For You" - ep. #6.17
Smith Point - "Escape" - ep.
#1.11; "Goodbye" - ep.
Smoking Popes, The - "Stay Down" - ep. #6.08
Snow, Miike - "Silvia" - ep. #7.09
Snow Patrol - "Tiny Little Fractures" - ep.
#1.15; "Spitting Games" - ep. #1.18;
"Run" - ep. #1.21; "How to Be Dead" - ep.
#2.10; "Chasing Cars" - ep.
#3.22; "The Lightning Strike" - ep.
So & So - "Broke"
- ep. #7.14; "I Don't Want To Be" - ep.
#8.14; "Heart Beats Slow"
- ep. #8.15
Sokoloff, Marla - "Call Me Crazy" - ep.
Songs: ohia - "Farewell Transmission" - ep.
#1.00; "Just Be Simple" - ep.
Sons of William - "Easy To Love"
- ep. #6.18
Sorta - "To Jenny" & "Sweet Little Bay" - ep.
#2.17; "Tell Me A Story" - ep.
#3.12; "Last Confession"
- ep. #7.03
Spacebar - "On Again" - ep. #3.22;
"Bonfire" - ep. #6.20
Sparks, Emily - "Just As Well" - ep.
Sparrow House - "When I'm Gone"
- ep. #4.11
Spencer Tracy - "Stupid" - ep.
Spies, The - "You've Got Some Nerve" - ep.
Spice Girls - "Wannabe" - ep.
Spider Problem, The - "Cha Cha (Be My New Boyfriend)"
- ep. #6.12
Spill Canvas, The - "This Is For Keeps" - ep.
Spinnerette - "I Don't Want To Be" - ep.
Spoke, Aeon - "Transform" - ep.
Spoon - "You Got Yr. Cherry Bomb" - ep.
Springsteen, Bruce - "My Hometown" - ep.
Sprung Monkey - "Whatcha Gonna Do" - ep.
Squirts, The - "Come Home Delilah" - ep.
Star - "Dance Floor" - ep.
Starlight Mints, The - "Black Champagne"
- ep. #7.02
Starlume - "So Please"
- ep. #6.16
Stars - "One More Night (Your Ex-Lover Remains Dead)" - ep.
#4.02; "Calendar Girl"
- ep. #4.03
Starsailor - "Silence Is Easy" - ep.
#1.02; "Faith Hope Love" - ep.
#3.12; "Neon Sky" - ep.
#6.13; "Safe At Home"
- ep. #6.24
Stefani, Gwen - "What You Waiting For?" - ep.
Stela, Annie - "It's You" - ep.
#4.06; "Heart" - ep.
Stella Project - "Underneath My Skin"
- ep. #6.19
Stellarstarr* - "Sweet Troubled Soul" - ep.
Stephen Kellog & The Sixers - "Hearts In Pain"
- ep. #6.06; "Born In the Spring"
- ep. #7.03
Stephens, Adam Haworth - "Second Mind" - ep. #8.14; "Heights Of Diamond"
- ep. #8.16
Stereophonics - "Maybe Tomorrow" - ep.
#1.11; "Rewind" - ep.
#3.06; "Bright Red Star"
- ep. #5.08; "It Means Nothing"
- ep. #6.09
Steriogram - "Walkie Talkie Man" - ep.
Stevens, Sufjan - "The Dress Looks Nice On You"
- ep. #7.17
St. Lola In The Fields - "Unless" & "Don't Say" - ep.
Stollenwerck, Samantha - "Carefree"
- ep. #7.16
Stone, Julia - "My Baby" - ep.
Stone Dogs/GG - "Bleed" - ep.
Stonestreet, Skyler - "My Favorite Song" - ep.
Story of the Year - "Sidewalks" - ep.
Storys, The - "Be By Your Side"
- ep. #4.19
Strays Don't Sleep - "For Blue Skies" - ep. #3.09;
"Night Is Still" - ep. #3.15
Straylight Run - "The Words We Say"
- ep. #4.19
Streets, The - "Fit But You Know It" - ep.
Stroup, Amy - "Hold Onto Hope Love" - ep.
#7.16; "Quiet Hearts"
- ep. #7.21; "Just You"
- ep. #8.04; "Sabotage" - ep.
Stump, Patrick - "I Don't Want To Be"
- ep. #8.03
Stutterfly - "Life's Disease" - ep.
Submarines, The - "Hope" - ep. #3.13;
"The Wake Up Song" - ep. #5.15; "Where
You Are" - ep. #9.02
Sugarcult - "Do It Alone" - ep.
Sugarhill Gang - "Rapper's Delight" - ep.
Suh, Susie - "All I Want" - ep.
#2.22; "Petrified
To Be God-Like" - ep. #2.23; "Light On My
Shoulder" - ep. #3.17; "Seasons Change" - ep.
#3.22; "Recognition" - ep.
#4.10; "Give Me Heart"
- ep. #5.08; "Feather In The Wind" - ep.
#7.06; "In the Moonlight"
- ep. #7.21; "Love Is On The Way" & "I Don't Want
To Be" - ep. #8.04; "I Do"
- ep. #8.13
Sum 41 - "No Reason" - ep.
Supafuzz - "Did It For The Drugs" - ep.
Super Bright Lights - "Luzer" - ep.
Supergrass - "Low C" - ep. #3.11
Survivor - "Eye of the Tiger"
- ep. #8.19
Sweet - "Ballroom Blitz" - ep.
Swingfly - "Something's Got Me Started"
- ep. #5.04
Switches - "Drama Queen" - ep. #5.07
Switchfoot - "Dare You To Move" - ep.
#2.05 & #8.18 ; "The Blues" - ep.
#3.11; "Your Love Is a Song" - ep. #7.11;
"Enough to Let Go"
- ep. #7.19; "Restless" - ep.
#9.06; "Vice Verses"
- ep. #9.11
back to top
Talan, Deb - "Tell Your Story Walking" - ep.
Taylor, Angel - "Like You Do" - ep. #6.23
Taylor, Kim - "Days Like This"
- ep. #6.24; "Baby I Need You"
- ep. #7.10; "Lost and Found"
- ep. #7.16
Taylor, Maria - "Song Beneath The Song" - ep.
#3.08; "No Stars"
- ep. #4.16; "Cartoons and Forever Plans" -
ep. #6.21
Teddybears - "Different Sound"
- ep. #4.11
Teen Machine - "(I'm Gonna) Steal Your
Girlfriend" - ep. #2.09; "Enjoy" ep.
Tegan and Sara - "Want To Be Bad" - ep.
#1.04; "Time Running" - ep.
"Don't Confess" - ep.
#1.12; "Walking With a Ghost" - ep.
#2.21; "The Cure" - ep.
#7.14; "I Don't Want To Be"
- ep. #8.12
Telekinesis! - "Foreign Room"
- ep. #6.21
Temper Trap, The - "Solider On" - ep.
#7.02; "Love Lost"
- ep. #7.06
Temporary Thing, The - "The Girls Up There" - ep. #5.05;
"Belmondo" - ep. #5.07; "In Between Song"
- ep. #5.15; "An Ordinary Life"
- ep. #6.08
Ternheim, Anna - "My Heart Still Beats For You"
- ep. #7.20
Theophilus London - "Girls Girls $"
- ep.
Thiele, Sarah - "Won't Let You Go"
- ep. #5.09
Thin Men, The - "Won't Give Up The Fight" - ep.
Thom - "Sleepyhead"
- ep. #8.04
Thomas, Rosie - "Since You've Been Around" - ep.
Thomas, Sandstrom - "All I Can Do" - ep.
Thornhill Broom Exp. - "Start It Over Again" - ep.
Thornley, Beth - "Everyone Falls"
- ep. #8.19; "Wash U Clean" - ep.
T.I. - "24's" - ep. #1.00
Tiffany - "Let Me Be" - ep. #4.07
Ting Tings, The - "Be The One" - ep. #5.15
Tin Star Orphans - "Let You Down" ep. #6.16;
"Autumn Eyes" - ep.
Tipton, Amy - "Whiskey For The Road" - ep. #8.06
Times, The - "Begin" - ep.
Toad The Wet Sprocket - "Walk On The Ocean" - ep.
Tolcher, Michael - "Bad Habit" - ep.
Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - "Something Good Coming"
- ep. #8.11
Torrini, Emiliana - "Sunny Road" - ep.
Trailer Park Pam - "Runaway" - ep.
Train - "Calling All Angels" - ep.
#1.06; "Marry Me" - ep. #8.13
Trammps, The - "Disco Inferno" - ep. #3.04
Travis - "Re-Offender" - ep.
#1.09; "Closer" - ep.
Trembling Blue Stars - "The Rhythm of Your Breathing" & "All Eternal Things" - ep.
#3.01; "Moonlight on Snow" - ep.
#3.03; "If I Handle You With Care" - ep. #3.04
Trespassers William - "Lie In The Sound" - ep.
#2.01 & #2.17; "Matching Weight" - ep.
Trickbag - "Heart Like A Railroad Track"
- ep. #8.12
Trigger Code - "On My Own"
- ep. #6.18
Trudeau, Paul - "Looking For a Reason" - ep.
#1.16; "Fireball" - ep.
Tucker, Kate (and the Sons of Sweden) - "Everything Went Down"
- ep. #7.17
Tunstall, KT - "Golden Frames"
- ep. #8.06
Turin Brakes - "Something In My Eye" - ep.
#5.11; "Capsule" -
ep. #6.05
Turn - "Close Your Eyes" - ep.
Turtle Giant - "All for the Taking"
- ep. #7.19; "Sunlight" & "Beat Through"
- ep. #7.20
TV on the Radio - "Wolf Like Me" - ep.
Twinstar - "Moksa" - ep. #3.11
Two Hours Traffic - "I Feel Naked Without My Cell Phone" & "White
Light" - ep. #2.21; "Heatseeker"
- ep. #5.08; "Sure Can Start" - ep.
back to top
U2 - "One Tree Hill"
- ep. #9.13
Uh Huh Her - "Dreamer"
- ep. #6.07; "Not A Love Song"
- ep. #7.02
Undeserving, The - "Something To Hope For" - ep.
U.S. Royalty - "Vacation Vacation"
- ep.
Utah - "Crash and Burn"
- ep. #4.04
back to top
Vaccaro, Vince - "Changin'" & "Left Alone" - ep.
Van Etten, Sharon - "One Day" - ep.
- "Thrown Away" & "Don't Take Your Love Away" - ep.
Vedera - "The Rain" - ep. #7.13
Vega4 - "Life Is Beautiful"
- ep. #4.15
Vega, Nico - "Iron Man" - ep. #6.21
Vegas De Milo - "Higher" & "All My Life" - ep.
Veils, The - "Lavinia" - ep.
#2.23; "The Leavers Dance" - ep.
#3.03; "Nux Vomica"
- ep. #4.16; "Under the Folding Branches"
ep. #4.20; "Advice For Young Mothers to
Be" & "One Night On Earth"
- ep. #5.03
Velocet, The - "Chinatown"
- ep. #5.07
Velvet Revolver - "Sucker Train Blues" - ep.
Vents, The - "Tim Keeps Running" - ep.
Veirs, Laura - "Where Gravity Is Dead" - ep.
#3.13; "Wrecking"
ep. #4.20; "July Flame"
- ep. #7.20; "I Don't Want To Be"
- ep. #8.18
Vertical Horizon - "Echo" - ep.
Verve Pipe, The - "The Freshmen"
- ep. #5.01
Viva Voce - "One In Every Crowd" - ep.
#1.16; "Wrecking Ball" - ep.
#1.18; "Alive With Pleasure" - ep.
Voegele, Kate - "Kindly Unspoken"
- ep. #5.04; "No Good" (acoustic)
- ep. #5.06; "No Good"
- ep. #5.07; "I Won't Disagree"
- ep. #5.08; "It's Only Life" & "Wish You Were" - ep.
#5.09; "Only Fooling Myself"
- ep. #5.10; "Hallelujah" - ep.
#5.17; "You Can't Break A Broken Heart"
- ep. #6.10; "Devil In Me" - ep.
#6.12; "Manhattan From the Sky"
- ep. #6.14, #6.15
& #6.18; "Angel" - ep.
#6.20; "99 Times" - ep.
#6.21 &
#6.23; "Lift Me Up"
- ep. #6.21; "Sweet Silver Lining"
- ep. #6.23; "Inside Out"
- ep. #6.24; "I Don't Want To Be"
- ep. #8.02; "Heart In Chains"
- ep. #8.22
Voicst - "Detail 2003" - ep. #4.07
Votolato, Rocky - "Fragments" & "Lucky Clover Coin"
- ep. #7.17
Voyager One - "I Remember Everything" - ep.
back to top
Wachbrit, Joel
- "Armani" - ep.
Wailing Souls - "Jamaican Bobsledding Chant" - ep.
WAIT.THINK.FAST. - "Been This Way Too Long" - ep.
WAKEY!WAKEY! - "War Sweater" - ep. #6.24;
"Brooklyn" - ep. #7.12,
#7.16 & #7.21; "Car Crash"
- ep. #7.19; "Dance So Good"
- ep. #7.20; "Light Outside" & "Almost
Everything" - ep. #7.22; "I Don't Want To Be"
- ep. #8.09
Waking Hours, The
- "Revenge" - ep. #3.17
Walker, Brett
- "Hey Emma Lou" - ep.
Walker, Butch - "Mixtape" - ep.
Walker, Jason - "You Fill My Heart" - ep. #5.03;
"Down" - ep. #7.10; "Midnight
Starlight" - ep. #9.05
Walker, Natalie
- "Waking Dream" - ep.
Walkie Talkie -
"Good Time"
- ep. #2.05; "Something's Wrong" - ep.
Wallpaper Airplanes - "Will You Be By Me"
- ep. #7.09
Waterdeep - "It's Alright" - ep. #9.03;
"Stay By Your Side" - ep. #9.11
Waters, Beth - "Blue and White" - ep.
We Are Augustines - "Chapel Song" & "Barrel of Leaves" - ep.
We Are Castles - "News to Me" - ep. #5.17
We Are Scientists - "Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt" - ep.
We Were Promised Jetpacks - "It's Thunder and It's Lightning" - ep.
Webster, Ryan - "Does Life Begin Again"
- ep. #7.14
Weepies, The - "World Spins Madly On" - ep.
#3.13; "Little Bird" - ep. #5.13;
"Can't Go Back Now"
- ep. #6.09
Weezer - "We Are All On Drugs" - ep.
Wells, Tyrone - "Without You" - ep.
#1.17; "All Broken Hearts" - ep.
Wertz, Matt - "Everything Will Be Alright"
- ep. #8.16; "Running Back To You"
- ep. #8.18
Westerberg, Paul - "Here Comes A Regular" - ep.
West Indian Girl - "What Are You Afarid Of?" - ep.
- "I Met a Girl" - ep. #1.10
Whispering Tree, The - "So Many Things"
- ep. #8.12
White, Matt - "Wait For Love"
- ep. #4.11
White Mud Freeway -
"Adele" - ep. #3.12
Whitley - "More Than Life"
- ep. #6.04
Who, The - "Baba O'Riley" - ep. #4.13
Wideawake - "Sun & Shadow" - ep. #5.07
Wigmore, Gin
- ep. #6.24 - "Hallelujah"
- ep. #6.24
Wild Nothing - "Summer Holiday - ep.
Wild Whirled - "Si O No" - ep.
#314; "Hollywood"
- ep. #5.01; "When You've Had Enough"
- ep. #5.05
Williams, Joy - "Tightrope" - ep. #8.02
Williams, Tim - "Drink Too Much" - ep. #5.13;
"Builds And Explodes" - ep. #5.16;
"Murderous Air" - ep. #6.24; "Stilts" &
"Ozone Street" - ep. #7.03
Willis, Daphne - "Sad" - ep.
Wilson, Vaughn - "Greatest Love Of All" - ep.
#6.14 (*)
Windupdeads, The - "Substitutes"
- ep. #7.19
Winston, Alex - "Would You Still Be Mine"
- ep. #5.07
- "Bad Circulation" - ep.
Within Reason - "Let It Out" & "Favorite Sin"
- ep. #4.16
Wolf, Fay - "God Knows" - ep.
Wolf, Richard ft. Timna - "DJ Make It Boom Loud"
- ep. #5.02
Wolpe, Mike - "The Subtle Labyrinth" - ep. #5.06
Wombats, The - "Lets Dance To Joy Division" - ep.
Wonderful Johnson - "Cry" - ep.
Wonderlife - "Stay With Me Tonight" - ep.
Wooden Birds, The - "Never Know" - ep. #7.05;
"Struck By Lightning"
- ep. #8.19; "Be No Lie" - ep. #9.03
Woodworth, Andrew Paul - "Fight For Your Right (To Party)" - ep.
World Party - "Ship Of Fools" - ep.
Wreckers, The - "The Good Kind"
- ep.
#2.23; "Way Back Home"
- ep. #4.03; "Lay Me Down" - ep.
#4.08; "Hard To Love You"
- ep. #4.11
Wright, Aron - "What Have We Got To Lose" -
ep. #6.12
Wye Oak - "Civilian"
- ep. #8.20
back to top
XX, The - "Crystalised" & "Islands"
- ep. #7.14
Xzibit - "Like Whatever You Want"
- ep. #8.20
back to top
Yamagata, Rachael
- "Be Be Your Love" - ep.
#2.09; "Horizon" -
ep. #7.12; "Sunday Afternoon"
- ep. #8.07
Yellowcard - "Empty Apartment" - ep.
#2.01; "Lights & Sounds" - ep.
#3.09; "City of Devils" - ep.
#4.05; "Light Up The Sky"
- ep. #5.01
Yndestad, Elisabeth - "Happy Twist" - ep.
Yoav - "Adore Adore" - ep. #5.14
York, Kate - "Harley Sunday"
- ep. #6.19; "Rains Here Too"
- ep. #6.23; "Begin You"
- ep. #6.24 & #8.18; "My Best Friend"
- ep. #8.13
Yorn, Pete - "EZ" - ep. #1.00;
"Ice Age" - ep. #4.09; "Thinking Of You"
- ep. #6.19; "Long Time Nothing New" - ep.
Young Love - "Close Your Eyes" - ep.
Young MC - "Bust A Move" - ep.
Young the Giant - "Strings"
- ep. #8.16
Youth Group - "Shadowland" - ep.
#3.06; "Daisy Chains" - ep.
Yuill, James - "How Could I Lose" - ep. #7.05
back to top
Zero 7 - "Somersault" - ep.
Zipper, Joy - "1" - ep.
back to top

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